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Farmers Voices

As the operator of a biogas plant, I visit EuroTier 2024 primarily because of EnergyDecentral, which takes place at the same time. Otherwise, I like to stroll through the halls with an open mind and stop by small, inconspicuous stands in particular. In my experience, young and innovative companies exhibit there that can give me food for thought on topics that I wasn't previously aware of.

Felix Hollmann, pig farmer and biogas plant operator, Ense-Bittingen, Germany

I manage a 150-head dairy farm including 350 acres of land which supplies the feed. This year, I am planning to visit EuroTier for the first time. I am looking to have a good time with other dairy farmers just to exchange views. As EuroTier also covers biogas plants I will be looking for mixers, pumps and any upgrades. I set up a biogas plant here on the farm in 2017 for grass, manure and sileage and I am happy with this German make and want to develop the biogas plant. Right now, the challenges are price of commodities and price of milk and finding labour. To address this, I will be looking for solutions for the pens, feeding equipment, handling of the herd for vaccinations. Specifically solutions that offer automation to make things a little easier. I have heard good things about EuroTier and I know a journalist from Northern Ireland who is also covering the show so I am hoping for some advance insider information.

Mark Kelly, Dungannon Co. Tyrone, Nortern Ireland, UK

I have been visiting EuroTier for more than a decade, accompanying livestock producers and technicians. EuroTier stands out for its global reach, comprehensive coverage and focus on innovation, as well as conveying to visitors feelings of exemplary hospitality, security and organization. Professionals benefit from staying informed, networking and exploring new opportunities for their businesses and careers, allowing them to generate knowledge, transfer technology and business with win-win partnerships.

António Ferreira, Zootechnical Engineer and Secretary General, ABLN (Associação Para O Apoio À Bovinicultura Leiteira Norte / Association for the Support of Northern Dairy Farming), Portugal